Cry for the human rights of Women

The virtual demonstration organized by Catalan women on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights





Participate until March 8th in the virtual cry.

Objective: gather 100,000 people to go to the European Parliament.
REGISTER (secure and encrypted data). We need you!

Against gender Apartheid in Afghanistan, and violence against women in Iran and other countries.
Today it's their rights, tomorrow it could be ours!

Forward it to all your contacts 🙏🏻

The main event will open on January 10th 2024, 19:00 CET+1

You will find the testimonial video of the Iranian community received at the last minute at in the 'Notices and News' section further down on this same page

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Cry for women's human rights!

This is the page of the CritVirtual movement, born among Catalonia women's associations in September 2021 on the occasion of the restoration of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and that issued its first Virtual Cry for Afghan women on November 27 of 2021 on the occasion of the international day against gender-based violence.

Again we raise a second virtual shout, this time against the systematic violation of women's human rights around the world, and especially the gender apartheid that the women of Afghanistan and Iranian women continue to live, punished and imprisoned for defending their rights.

We convene the SECOND CRITVIRTUAL in the form of a worldwide digital demonstration, to denounce this unacceptable violation of human rights. Join the 30 days of activism for the human rights of women.

We will virtually fill Barcelona's Passeig de GrĂ cia...and maybe more! Join us, and let's raise an international and forceful shout that stirs consciences around the world. We say enough!

Access from this page all the information to participate in this movement, which will have its central event on Wednesday, January 10 at 7 p.m. CET+1.

Register NOW as a person or on behalf of your organization and we will fill Passeig de GrĂ cia so that everyone can be there on January 10th.

Views 6439

Come back here on January the 10th at 7pm and click the button to watch the Live Stream of the event.

Previous Crys



Yes, we have left someone behind... a few million!

For the first time in the history of humanity, in 2015 we agreed on a global roadmap - the 2030 Agenda - which is based on three values: 1. The starting point is Human Rights; 2. Commits to leaving no one behind; 3. And to fight for gender equality and the empowerment of women. On December 10, 2023, the day we celebrate the 75º anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we will have to acknowledge, with sadness, that we have not achieved it. Millions of women suffer unimaginable levels of violence. We will not make an exhaustive mention, but let two causes serve to represent them all: the repression against women's rights in Iran with the movement “Woman, Life, Freedom” and the Gender Apartheid that is taking place in Afghanistan.

We, citizens from all over the world, demand a return to the roadmap....

On 2021 Nov 27th more than 500 entities, women, and men from all over, led the first virtual demonstration, the Cry for Afghan women, which brought together more than a million people, filling Barcelona's Paseo de Gracia and Diagonal Avenue. Once again, we invite you to be part of this movement in favor of millions of women and their families who suffer inhuman abuse.

If the don’t wear the veil properly, their life worths nothing!

After Mahsa Amini’s murder on September 2022, Iranian women broke their silence and occupied the streets with the claim “Woman, Life, Freedom”, against a government system with a radical Islamic ideology, patriarchal and sexist which subjects them. With this movement, women’s repression in this country has become even harder with thousands of detentions, tortures, harassment and brutal executions of women and protesters.

If they are deported to Afghanistan, they will be killed.

It’s not just a sentence. Unfortunately, we have received terrifying videos on our own mobile phones. The Taliban have murdered in Afghanistan women human rights activists, midwives, journalists, artists, etc… solely for the fact of being so... And also, their brothers, uncles and cousins to force them to declare where those women and their families are hiding.

In Afghanistan, violence against women is systemic and all institutional, religious, and military resources are used to nullify their will and make them disappear. They are hostages in their own country. They stone them, poison them, harass them, sell them, marry them when they are children... A gender Apartheid is being carried out before the eyes of the rest of humanity. Thousands of these women managed to flee that horror and live temporarily in Pakistan, with their families. Many of them have been supported by international organizations, some of them from our country, awaiting the response of third countries to their request for asylum. A response that can take from TWO to THIRTY years. They had to flee unexpectedly and many of them are in an irregular situation. As we speak, the Pakistani government has begun a mass deportation campaign of over 1.5 million Afghan refugees! and is forcing all Pakistanis to expel them from homes, and from work.

With this With this Critvirtual for the women’s human rights which will take place on 2023 December 10th, women and men from all walks of life, we demand that the international community act immediately against this abuse and we urge the Government of Spain and the rest of the member countries of the European Union to recognize the right to asylum for Gender’s reasons of these women and their families, without having to prove anything to obtain it, both from Afghan women and from all those women who are persecuted in their countries for being women; we urge the governments to recognize and condemn, at an international level, the gender Apartheid women are suffering. We urge to stop executions; we urge for international condemnation of these dictatorial political systems that are using inexplicable brutality and cruelty against women and girls.

If one is left behind, we are all left behind. For women around the world, we shout: Enough!

Raise your voice: spread this Cry everywhere and let’s fill Barcelona’s Passeig de Gràcia!

Read more

Program of the main event

Reading of the Manifesto in defense of women's rights in Catalan with subtitles:
Txell Feixas, journalist and former correspondent in Middle East. Special correspondent in Afghanistan with a great career making visible the women in conflict zones, recently awarded with the National Journalism Award 2023 from Catalan Governement from her trajectory specialized in conflicts, among them the documentary "Building futures in the Afganistan of talibans"

Nilofar, Representative of Iranian Comunity in Barcelona

Batol Gholami, Bachelor of Computer Science. Founder & CEO AYLA team working for women and youth empowerment since 2019.

Testimonial video
Sahra Mani Award wining director and producer from Afghanistan.Her first feature film, 'A Thousand Girls Like Me,' won more than 25 award around the world and had huge impact on women situation in Afghanistan. Her second feature film, 'Bread and Roses,' premiered as a special screening at Cannes Film Festival 2023. Testimonial video of exiled afghan women in Pakistan and in Europe.

Honourable Mrs. TĂ nia Verge, Counselor of Equality and Feminisms in Catalan Government.
Most Honourable Mrs. Anna Erra, Parliament of Catalonia President
Excelent Sr. Jaume Collboni, Major of Barcelona.

Farewell and end of the demonstration

Women, we scream for you!

Messages from the participants

  • -
  • Sou un exemple per a totes. Us desitjo sort i empenta
  • Donc suoort
  • Nosaltres cridarem per vosaltres
  • Estem en contra de la violencia i la represiĂł. Molta força i coratge a les dones d’Afghanistan
  • We are with u
  • Resistiu, resistiu...
  • Quan les dones lluitem plegades tot Ă©s possible.
  • L
  • Let’s get loud!!!
  • We are with you. We are you.
  • Vosaltres sou nosaltres!!
  • La sororitat i la cooperaciĂł ens fan mĂ©s fortes, juntes caminarem vers la justicia i l’equitat.
  • Women from Brazil are with you.
  • Som al vostre costat
  • Malgrat qua es a tu a qui vulneran , quan ho fan, ens ho fan a totes. No estĂ s sola.
  • Molta força i coratge, no tinc mĂ©s paraules perquè no n hi ha prous per descriure el que esteu passant.
  • Dones cridem per vosaltres, perquè tingueu llibertat
  • Seguiu amb molta força, petits passos fan moure murs
  • No esteu soles !!
  • Resistència activa. Ă€nims i endavant!
  • Respecte per les dones
  • You are brave and strong
  • Estem amb vosaltres !
  • Us encoratgem a resistir i a lluitar. Per vosaltres i tambĂ© per les vostres filles.
  • Hv. Bb
  • No esteu soles, jo i molts mes homes estem amb vosaltres i volem lluitar amb vosaltres!
  • No us rendiu mai!
  • Juntas somos más fuertes
  • Fuerza y coraje !✊????
  • No esteu soles
  • No estáis solas!
  • Dignitat,justĂ­cia, pau ,confiança,esperança i mooooolt d’amor per a totes !!!
  • We don’t let you alone!!
  • JustĂ­cia
  • Fem un mĂłn millor!
  • una abraçada per totes les dones afganes
  • Sempre unides i sempre endevant!!
  • No tirĂ©is la toalla. Seguid luchando pacifica e inteligentemente
  • Ens necessitem lliures!!!
  • Per la dignitat i la seguretat de totes dels dones del mĂłn,
  • Estem amb vosaltres!!!
  • No esteu soles!!! Som una colla de dones, unides som imparables!!!
  • Estem amb vosaltres!
  • Endavant, mai cap lluita Ă©s debades.
  • No defallir, entre totes i tots ho aconseguirem.
  • No defalliu! Estem amb vosaltres! Resistència! Sororitat! Lluita! Llibertat! Juntes ho aconseguirem
  • Mucho animo
  • You're not alone
  • No defalliu, totes estem amb vosaltres i cridem per vosaltres
  • No esteu soles!!!
  • Molta força i molts Ă nims per les dones afganeses i les seves famĂ­lies, estem amb vosaltres!
  • Crido per les dones silenciades que no poden dir la seva. Crido fins que elles puguin, sense por de res ni de ningĂş.
  • us necessitem!
  • Totes les dones tenim el mateix dret!. Juntes podrem!
  • Que totes les dones puguin ser com elles vulguin ser
  • M'agradaria que no estiguĂ©ssiu soles i que tot acabi aviat com un malson.
  • Keep fighting for your rights!
  • Entre todas iluminaremos el camino de la libertad para las mujeres oprimidas, fuerza y determinaciĂłn!!!
  • La vostra lluita Ă©s la lluita de totes les dones del mĂłn que volen silenciar
  • El nostre crit Ă©s un clam que s'uneix al vostre en sororitat universal.
  • Si et passa a tu ens passa a totes
  • asdasd
  • SOM-HI !!
  • Totes som totes “
  • No esteu soles !!!
  • Estem aquĂ­ per vosaltres, per fer-vos visibles, perquè no deixeu de lluitar, perquè sigueu lliures i visqueu en pau.
  • Dones, del mĂłn i de tota la història, cridem per totes nosaltres. Juntes arribarem mĂ©s lluny!
  • ????
  • Dones, sempre anem endavant i cada dia donem el mĂ xim de nosaltres mateixes per un mĂłn millor!
  • Per un mĂłn just on ningĂş es quedi enrere
  • Amb el cap alt!
  • Tant de bo arribi el dia que no ens calgui alçar la veu per recordar els nostres drets.
  • us necessitem!
  • Admiro la vostra energia i fortalesa. I sento impotència per no saber com poder ajudar-vos
  • With you and for you. For all of us, for future, for hope.
  • asdasd
  • Força!!
  • Dones, cridem per vosaltres
  • No us rendiu. Endavant
  • Sou dones, sou fortes! Alceu-vos! Podeu!
  • Stand up for your rights!
  • Ă€nims
  • No esteu SOLES
  • Tota la solidaritat¡ La llibertat dels pobles Ă©s tambĂ© la de les dones.
  • Estem al vostre costat
  • Por ellas!!!!!
  • Teniu la força i la determinacio per a ser lliures. Estem amb vosaltres.
  • Totes som afganeses!
  • Coratge!
  • All my love and support Ladies!!!!????????????
  • asdasd
  • Las mujeres deben ser libres!
  • totes amb vosaltres!!!!
  • La vostra fortalesa serĂ  la nostra arma per lluitar fins al final! Pedrem batalles però mai la Guerra!
  • Si no reaccionamos delante de tanta barbaridad ofreciendo nuestros herramientas y recursos es que estamos muertas
  • Una sola de vosaltr aval mĂ©s que un miliĂł d'ells

Even if you can't assist to the central event on the 27th, book your place now! Collaborate, and join the scream movement!
Secret and SECURE inscriptions

Drag with the mouse on the map to move around the demonstration, or use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

Registered people: 1558

Driving entities:

With the support of:
